Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hit the $2000 mark this morning!!!

It is truly inspiring to witness everyone's generosity in the fight against MS!

I wasn't quite sure how many people would donate, and a little nervous that I wouldn't even raise the $250 minimum. Obviously, we have raised much more than the minimum & are very close to reaching the $2500 goal. For my first major fundraising event & long distance bike tour, $2500 is not bad at all considering some of the challenges I faced with initial fundraising.

Some of the people who have already donated include friends & family both old & new on both sides of the country, both local & corporate business owners, concert going buddies, coworkers, artists, writers, teachers, and people who someday I hope to shake their hand & put a face with the name I now hold in highest regards.

If I could take every single one of you on my ride this weekend, I would.

Your generosity will keep a smile on my face as I pedal my way through some of the most beautiful views in the country.


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