Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tour for Woodside!

In preparation for Waves-to-Wine, I have decided to join another ride the week before. It will take place in the hills outside of Woodside, a community adjacent to Stanford University.

The event itself is designed to raise money for certain disadvantaged schools in the South Bay, and has three length options. I have elected to do the 55 mile loop, thinking it would be good practice before the big event the following week.

Tour For Woodside

1 comment:

Yoga Teacher, tony eason said...

Hey Matt,

First and foremost, congratulations on your grand intentions - its a great cause & a great physical achievement.

Secondly, if I can pull my shit together, I will be joining you in your endeavor of the "Waves to Wine" And, if I don't pull it together - I'll come out and cheer you on!

Thirdly, when you do the "Tour De Woodside" Ride:

Do the longest mile route.
Take 4 days off from riding.
Ride a short 45 mile ride.
Then start eatting carbhydrates to build your glycogen stores.

Wishing the best of all possible worlds,
AIDS LifeCycle Cyclist, tony